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Achieving Precision in Evaluating Work-related Exposure to Carcinogens and Noise

OccIDEAS represents a comprehensive Occupational Integrated Database for Assessing Work-related Exposures. This software application employs a questionnaire-based approach to evaluate and analyze hazardous exposures within the workplace, encompassing chemicals, noise, radiation, and other agents. With a broad scope, it encompasses more than 50 diverse job categories and effectively assesses exposure to over 150 distinct hazards.

Case-control study

Are you conducting a case-control study focusing on various cancer types?


Do you suspect that exposure to chemical or physical carcinogens in the workplace might be responsible for these cancers?


With most participants having held multiple jobs spanning many years, you need a reliable method to accurately assess occupational carcinogen exposure on an individual basis.


OccIDEAS is your go-to tool for precise and comprehensive occupational carcinogen exposure assessment.


Our state-of-the-art software application is designed to meet the unique needs of your study, offering unparalleled accuracy and efficiency.


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